Sunday, March 21, 2010

Valentine's Day in Barbados

So this is what the GH looked like on Valentine's Day, 2010.

That's okay. When I thought of all that could have happened--a concussion, an abraded cornea, lost teeth, or even a broken neck--I was happy just to have my Good Hubby by me, even if he did look a little more colourful and puffy than usual.

The main inconvenience was that, to avoid disturbing the many stitches inside his mouth, we had to switch to a diet of mushy food for the rest of our visit.

What? No more dolphin (mahi-mahi), marlin, flying fish, or swordfish steaks? It was a cause for genuine dismay.

Luckily, we had already made our annual pilgrimage to the Oistins Fish Fry, just the night before.

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